How Green Smoothies are Bringing Sexy Back

Green smoothies have become the "it" thing...and it's no wonder. The nutritional value behind these make these a staple in my home. It's my salad in a cup. I can do tons of recipes and different things can go in them but for the basic everyday one, here's the recipe. 

Basic Green Smoothie Recipe
- Half a cup of kale
- half a cup of spinach
- strawberries (about a half a cup as well)

- blueberries (half a cup_
- pineapples - a couple of slices
- agave nectar for taste 
- A lemon slice and the juice from an entire lemon 

Blend, blend, blend!! 

Enjoy!! And tell me what you think of it?
Do you have any green smoothie recipes you'd like to share? Leave them in the comment box below. 


  1. my honey is trying to get me to drink more healthy stuff this one actually sound good we might give it a try

  2. Hi A.Rod. Funny how the more you drink them - the more you can tolerate them. I think i'm going to do a series once a week - Green Smoothie Fridays or Mondays or something.
