I decided to do something a little different for a few days. Why not post pages from my book to share with all of you and would love some feedback..I will post from day 28, 29 and 30!
Here goes:
If ever we needed people who can predict the future of the world, one must take heed from the babies that are born each day. Adults often overlook the denotation of birth. We are too caught up in the miracle to realize that we are being warned. Our initiation into this world is the very tears that we cry at birth. At this exact stage in life, we foresee the chaotic world we are entering into; A world with no clear paths and countless stumbling blocks that only lead to the road from which no traveler returns.
I am an actor in this play, sometimes going along with the stream as a dead fish would and sometimes creating my own current. I am here because my mother and father fancied for me to exist. I am alive because this is someone’s idea of a dirty joke. I am on this earth simply because my parents had made a conscious effort to conceive me. Point blank. There were no anecdotes or cute little faith stories about how I was put on this earth to serve a purpose and once the prophecy of my living was fulfilled, I would pass on.
Stay tuned for more.....
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