Dr. Oz's 28 Day Fresh Start - Day 10 (A Day late)

Cook for your Heart

Certain foods do wonders for your veins and arteries, promoting blood flow throughout your body. To make a meal with heart=healthy nutrients, start with these four ingredients:

  1. Wild Salmon - It's full of omega-3s, your arterial system's handymen. They lower triglycerides (which contribute to plaque buildup) and can make platelets less sticky (to reduce clotting).
  2. Tomatoes - Hypertension patients who consumed tomato extract saw at least a ten-point drop in their systolic pressure and a four-point fall in their diastolic pressure
  3. Garlic - The pungent clove is thought to protect against atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries), a condition that can lead to heart disease and stroke. 
  4. Lima Beans - One cup contains about 30 percent of the recommended dietary allowance of magnesium, a mineral that triggers vasodilation, easing the strain on your heart. 
On the show, Dr. Oz showed how you can put all four together in one meal. How splendid! 
You can buy salmon in a can just like tuna, put lima beans seasoned with garlic and salmon in a salad with tomatoes. It's a must try! 

Will you try it?


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