Dr. Oz's 28 Day Fresh Start - Day 17


Long embraced for its stress-busting powers, meditation has also been shown to lower blood pressure and bad cholesterol. If sitting solo for five minutes a day seems more baffling than blissful, use these tools to strengthen your om. 

Insight Timer: The app's chime notifications make closed-eye meditation easier (no need to check the clock), while a world map connects you with a community of users meditating at the same time. 

A Mindfuless-Based Stress Reduction Workout (New Harbinger): Perfect for beginners, this step-by-step guide is loaded with exercises and space for recording daily reflections. Your initial ranking of life's stressors becomes a reference for measuring your progress. 

I have very little to no patience when it comes to meditating but if Dr. Oz recommends it, it is a MUST DO! 


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