Update and Goals for this week - 01/15-01/21

Update :
Exercise - Six days out of the week and burn 1,600 calories. - Worked out 6 days a week - and burned 1,775 calories! 
Food - Eat more fruits and vegetables since they are good for you and 0 points. - I ate a little more of both - apples, bananas, corn, cucumbers, tomatoes, beets.
Drink - more green tea. - drank a little less since I was suffering from what I thought was a cold but turns out to be either sinusitis or allergies. 
Family - Spend more time with my husband. - I spent a little time. Could use more. 
Me - Go out a little more and set up some quality time for myself. - Haven't done a lot of going out but I did spend a little more time to myself. 
Weight Loss - Lose pounds this week! - I LOST 3 POUNDS THIS WEEK! WOOHOO! LAst week's weight: 194 This week's weight: 191 


Exercise - Six days out of the week and burn 1,700 calories.
Food - Eat more fruits and vegetables since they are good for you and 0 points.
Drink - more green tea.
Family - Spend more time with my husband.
Me - Go out a little more and set up some quality time for myself.
Weight Loss - Lose pounds this week!


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