Top Three Workouts: What Works For Me

Hello fellow focused people,

So, I've noticed my top three favorite workouts are Yoga, HITT workouts and Zumba Fitness.  I'll list what I like about them below. I just want to quickly tell you that I've been doing these three for a week and eating completely different than I have in a while. But what happened to my good eating habits and progress from before? 

In the last few months, I've moved twice - one time out of state and things have changed drastically. I became a little homesick and so I lost track but started back about a month ago.  I put on about 15 pounds in a few months (see how fast things spiral out of control) and was just not caring. But I'm back on track and loving this new found motivation . 

My motivation for wanting to do yoga which I've never ever been interested in was this video here. It'll change your view once you see it. It completely changed mine. So Now, I do basic yoga about 5 times a week for 20 minutes and since it's my first week doing it, I wanted to just do 10 minutes and not exert myself to more just yet. 

HITT Workouts
I don't have to work out for hours for this to work. After, I'm done - I'm sweating and gasping for breath. See how it works here and here are Insanity moves you can do without the DVD.  

It's just fun...and dancey and I love it. They have a game coming out for Xbox called Zumba Core. It basically targets the abs and that's one area that we can all work on - especially after baby number 2. Can't wait to get my hands on it.I'll review it once I've purchased it and tried it.

So,again, these are my favorite workouts and of course, I'll increase intensity and at some point add weights to my training but for now,I'll do these.

....MY TRANSFORMATION CONTINUES! ......Follow my journey......



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