Random Wedbesdays: page 14 of 365

page 14 of 365


I have no idea of what to write today but thought I'd write anything anyway. This is only Day 14 and I am running out of things to write about already. BUT I will NOT give up...and you can't make me!

So, I will write about what is going on in my world.

On Life: As you know, I got my Day Designer that I am absolutely obsessed with and it's been doing wonders to get me organized and get me doing all the things I do to get moving and accomplish my goals! So yay for that!  But on another note, I found out one of my best friend's other friend, is dating her ex. A man who was called by my friend, let's name her Sallie, the love of her life. She cried for this man, she did everything to get this man back to her life, it broke her to lose him and yet her friend decided, "he, it's ok to date him?" Am I wrong or is this just breaking a friendship code? I think if it had been someone she was not that interested in, then fine but this was a guy she was head over heels and couldn't get over up until recently. So, I think her "friend" is dead wrong and she should give up her friendship!! I know I 'm mean but a "friend" that would do that and then have the nerve to flaunt the relationship in public over social media is no friend at all. 


On Fitness: Have been working out. Will do my 30 day Ab Challenge from Blogilates tonight but will let my legs heal from yesterday's treacherous weight lifting session. Tomorrow, I think I might go to Zumba and if I don't, then I'll go to the gym and lift some more weights. Food has been ok, although I feel bloated because Mrs. Period, (that bitch), is headed over here soon. ugh! HATE it! 

On Fashion: Looking into coloring my hair blonde and deep treating it too. Soon...very soon! I will probably do it before I move back to Florida. Can't wait! 

Thanks for reading my randomness today!!  Let me read yours!! Leave your randomness in the comments below. 


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