Dr.Oz 28 Day Fresh Start - Day 9

Sweat, even just a bit! 

You might be surprised how little it takes to do a body good. Just a daily 30-minute brisk walk can keep you from gaining weight and reduce your risk of stroke and heart attack by 30 percent. (To gauge whether you're working hard enough, do the "talk test." You should be able to speak but not sing!) 

I have changed my views on how I see my commute to the children's school. I now see it as my daily 30 minute workout and not a burden that I must travel so long to! It helps knowing that my body is getting in shape and that I'll be sexy soon! 

Cheers to my commute! 

Here's a few exercise tips I've learned: 

1. Split your routine up.
Who says you have to work out for 30 minutes at a time? Split that 30 minute workout into 10 minute intervals. 10 minutes in the morning. 10 minutes during your lunch and 10 minutes after dinner. This will make your workout seem less overwhelming. 

2. Find an opportunity to move in every activity you do. 
- Going downstairs to do laundry? Go up and down the stairs at least five times before you go down for good. Do the same on the way up. 
- Get off a stop before your stop and walk the extra mile. 
- walk for lunch instead of just sitting down to eat. Best way to do this is to schedule a few key errands you would have otherwise left for the weekend. When the weekend rolls around, you'd have scratched off a few things off your To Do List. 

3. Agree to go shopping with a friend - even if it's window shopping. A few walks at the mall can turn into a nice leisurely and enjoyable walk. Also, park as far as you can from the entrance so you get those extra steps in. 

4. Work out together. Get a buddy to work out with and motivate each other. Studies have shown that people who work out together, fair better and Keep up their routine. 



  1. Love your blog! I just started working out regularly in November and it is awesome to see new tips and ideas. Hope to see you around my blog!

  2. I love the idea of splitting up my routine in 10 minute intervals. I can find 10 minutes 3x a day to workout.

    Thank for visiting my blog. I'm a new follower from vB. http://dreesthings.blogspot.com/

  3. Thanks guys and thanks for stopping by. I will indeed hop on over to yours.

    Pink - I wanted to start in November and we had a brief stint but with all the parties and the food, I just couldn't bring myself to do it.

    Dree - This is sometimes the easiest ways for busy people to get that work out in. And it helped me 'the first time to lose weight so why not give you tips on visit!

    If you can, please also follow my main page - you can find the clickable pic on the right side under "Visit my Design Page"

  4. Im like you 197 pounds and I say to myself no more I want to wear my bathing suits without shame , I start zumba once a week and my elleptical too and yeah some diet which means no rice, no bread, and no MD, wendy or BK , no soda only water and tea and coffee

  5. I sometimes think, madam, that diets that cut out everything tend not to work in the long run. That's why I love Weight Watchers. It lets you have those cheat days that you need to eat McDonalds...or Wendy's but it also teaches you how to eat it in moderation. You shouldn't have a humongous meal with over 1200 calories in one sitting but if you want a burger, have just the burger and get a parfait or if you want just fries the most - have the fries but get a salad to go with it.

    It really is about smart choices and give and take!

    Hope I can be of help. My blog and my Facebook group!

  6. Phew! Just finished my weights routine this morning. I had to bump it up from beginners to intermediate, and I'll be feeling it later! This is an encouraging post - it's nice to remember I'm doing my body some good. I've recently decided to wear my workout clothes when I get up, so I have to work out before I can wear my regular clothes. It seems a lot easier to work out in the morning, at least for me. I like to get it over with.

  7. Great tips! I like the idea of splitting up the routine into 10 minute sections. I seems much more manageable that way!
