When Burpees Send you Running for Cover


For the month of July, I have decided I "NEED" to lose 10 pounds ...not need, HAVE TO!! I've been stuck in the 170's for quite a long time and it's getting pretty depressing. And I'm so not going to sit here and say I've been adamant about my eating habits and workout regimes because I haven't. 

I have been juicing - my salad in a cup as I like to call it - I drink it almost every day but I want to do more. I want to run and exercise more and I want to limit my "cheat days" to just one cheat meal a week. I want to workout about 5-6 times a week. 

So here it goes! I'm at 174, let's see what happens the rest of the month! 

I'm going to try the 100 Burpee challenge - little by little 10 at a time until I can do the full 100. That's my challenge.

Check out the video here if you're interested in this challenge:

I'm also doing the squat challenge again! 

Best of luck to me and to you!!! 


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