Insanity Workout: My Transformation Continues

Insanity workouts are so insane that even Shaun T. gets tired through some of the workouts. The workouts are so successful that it turned a word for lunacy into a synonym for sculpted. The magic behind the routine comes from plyometrics which are explosive, full-body exercises that rev your heart rate and ratchet up metabolism to torch mega-calories and build lean muscle. 

My Progress: 

I have been doing the Insanity workouts for 3 weeks now and I am amazed at how I've lost inches and weight. I feel so energized, so light on my feet and just overall fit. I have another month and a week to go but I think I will start month one all over again before I move on to month 2. I want to make sure I truly know how to do every single workout before I move on to the harder one. 

You don't have to buy the DVD to enjoy these 6 workouts totaling 20 minutes. 
Here's the skinny:

The plan: Do each sizzler for 1 minute without stopping between exercises. After you've completed one round, rest for 60 seconds, then go again. Perform the circuit three times (20 minutes and done!), two days in a row. Take a rest day, and repeat.


the heisman
Works: shoulders, arms, abs, butt, thighs
Stand with feet hip-width apart, elbows bent, arms close to body. Hop on left foot, bringing right knee toward chest as you drive left arm forward, right arm back like a sprinter (as shown). Quickly hop onto right foot, reversing motion. Continue alternating for 1 minute.

Stance Jacks

stance jacks
Works: shoulders, abs, obliques, butt, thighs
Stand with feet together, arms raised to chest level, elbows out, fingertips touching. Jump into a wide squat, pushing hips back as you reach left hand toward right foot, right arm extended behind you (as shown). Jump back to start. Repeat quickly on opposite side. Continue alternating for 1 minute.

Hit the Floor

hit the floor
Works: abs, butt, thighs
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart, arms down. Crouch, placing right hand on floor near left instep, left arm extended behind you (as shown). Jump, reaching arms overhead and landing in crouch position with left hand near right instep, right arm extended back. Continue alternating for 1 minute.


power jump
Works: abs, butt, thighs
Stand with feet hip-width apart, knees soft, arms down. Squat, extending arms behind you, then jump, bringing knees toward chest as you touch hands to thighs (as shown). Land with soft knees. Repeat quickly for 1 minute.


switch kick
Works: triceps, back, abs, butt, thighs
Sit with knees bent, feet flat, palms behind you, fingertips pointed toward heels. Keeping hands and feet planted, raise hips off floor and alternate kicking right leg (as shown), then left leg, as high as you can for 1 minute.

Double Diamond

double diamond
Works: shoulders, abs, butt, thighs
Stand with feet wider than hip-width apart. Squat until thighs are almost parallel to floor, then jump, touching hands together above head with elbows bent as you tap heels together, forming diamonds with arms and legs (as shown). Land with soft knees. Repeat quickly for 1 minute.

Make sure you're using proper form by watching Shaun T. demo each of these six moves.


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    I need a guest blogger for sure and yes, I will go follow your site as well.
