5 Easy Beauty Tips for the Work At Home Mom

Many in-office jobs have been replaced by the home office. If you're a work-at-home-mom, your job probably requires a dress code of pajamas, sweatpants and old t-shirts. So when do you get to make yourself pretty?  Probably once a week on a date with your husband or an outing with your girlfriends. It's time to regain our regimen and look pretty for ourselves - even if our children will be the only ones to see it. 

I used to have a beauty regimen when I traveled to the office but when I became a SAHM, I don't even have time to do my own nails. But I've learned time is what you make of it.  If you really want to do something, you have to MAKE the time, time will not MAKE itself.  

Here are some tips that work for me:

1. Start a beauty regimen schedule.  Write down the steps you will do in the morning. I suggest using a recurring routine - preferably an app called HomeRoutines.  Although, it is meant to be for home chores, you can change the list to just about anything. It has several sections like Morning, Evening and Weekends. Check off the things you've done for the day and the next day, it'll reset itself so you can do it all over again, 

2. From Monday through FridayBegin your day with a shower and something nice. Just because you aren't going anywhere, doesn't mean you should lounge around all day in your pajamas. If you are working from home, you probably get a lot of packages, or clients that might want to stop by. By already being dressed, you've cut down the " Let me hurry up and put something on" phase and gone straight to the "I'm already dressed and look decent to answer the door" phase. If you're like me, where I exercise when my toddler is asleep, I do a light beauty regimen in the am, then workout and after my shower do the rest of my regimen. This is when I'll throw something nice on. On the weekends, I literally let my hair down and "veg" out. 

3. Schedule ahead of time your hair and nail appointments. I like to do my hair and nails professionally about once a month. Other times, I take the time to just do them myself. It gives me the "me" time I so need and saves money too. This way I can schedule my once a month hair and nail appointments and know exactly what I need to do in between to keep myself up. 

4. Hydrate. Hydrate. Hydrate. I can't stress enough how water can clear your skin making it easier and less expensive to clear imperfections the natural way. 

5. Last but no least, put on your favorite fragrance. Try fresh aromas, nothing overpowering, and include it in scrubs, lotions and colognes. This will make you smell pretty and when you smell pretty, you "feel" pretty. 

We get it..Kids need their "Mommy Time" but trust me when I say you make for a better  mommy when you make the time to pamper yourself. Take some time every week to keep your eyebrows in top-notch condition, shave your legs or do your own manicure while your kids nap.

Here's some expert advice on what things to add to your beauty supply closet:




  1. I'm a work from home Mom and this is very true! Rare are the times I put on decent pair of clothes, but I never ever ever (!) forget to shower at the beginning of the day and before sleeping, depending on how much 'labor' I've done during the day. But I do dress up and put on make up when I go out with my husband so that he can see that I make efforts too!

  2. Wonderful ideas. As a SAHM I have to really commit myself to upkeep and making it a priority. Your tips are great for me!

  3. I really try to stick with the second one unless I'm sick or something. But I just feel better if I get dressed like I have someplace to go. Because I might - you know like when my son forgets his lunch box. Of course the day he did that I had washed and blow dried my hair so I had to tuck the fly away's under a hat. ;-/

  4. These are great tips, many of which I need to do. I'm horrible about scheduling nail appointments and often just walk in. I only put on fragrance once a week but I wish I remembered to do it more often because it makes me feel better about myself.

  5. Great tips. I always heat up my scentsy warmer during the day, I feel like when my house smells good I feel better.(:

  6. Great tips! Event though I stay home, that shouldn't be a reason for me to not do something with myself each day. I feel better when I look better, so I do try to do a little something to spruce myself up most days.

  7. Yes, ladies, pampering ourselves should be first on the list. We wear so many hats all day, just a little time for us goes a very long way.

  8. Since I started 'Dressing Your Truth', it's been a lot of fun pampering myself every day! I know exactly what looks good on me and it's fun. Thanks for the tips. We all need a reminder to care for ourselves! Happy Thanksgiving weekend!

  9. Khloe I love this list. Sometimes I "forget" (as in get lazy) and just don't do anything to myself other than brush my hair and oil my face. No makeup, no nothing. I FEEL better, more professional and am even more focused. Yes, ladies, Khloe is right....HYDRATE! And stick a little ginger and lemon in that water to boost radiance.

  10. Hi Becky. Glad I could help!
    And Jacqueline - that's a great tip. I must try it in my water now. Thanks!

  11. good tip but wow... too much work.. monthly hair and nail appt... I have have two nail appt in my life and hair maybe once a year.....

  12. Great advice! It's so easy to stay in jammies and a long shirt and not even wash my hair. It sure helps to feel pretty when one takes the time, though!

  13. Wel, Aliy, do what works best for you. Even if you opt to do everything yourself as long as you do something for yourself. Makes sense?
