HITT Workouts: What Are They?

If you've been following my posts, you will have seen me praise HITT workouts. Many are wondering - what are they?
Here's an explanation:

HITT or High Intensity Interval Training Workouts are cardio quickies.  These quick workouts are a a quick way to burn fat that can last up to 24 hours. Basically HIITworkouts are a version of cardiovascular training that uses alternating periods of high intensity work with maximum effort followed by lower intense periods of lower intensity work. Researcers have shown that working out at high intensity levels can burn more fat in 20 minutes versus working out for 45 minutes. Read more on HITT Workouts here. 

So if you're jogging, spring for 8 seconds, then ease off for 12. Work up to 20 minutes of with this routine, three times a week. 

My HITT workouts are at least 3 Turbo Fire HITT Workouts and one jogging HITT workout for a total of three HITT workouts a week. Sometimes, I'll do more. 

Anyone can find 20 minutes out of their day, right? 




  1. Great! I'm on the right track with my running then. I try to do a sprinting one, and then rotate the longer slower ones. I'm seeing results, so it's working!

  2. That's great!! Keep up the good work, Courtney.
