Getting Back on Track


I've been out of the exercise loop for two months and I have decided TODAY to just get back on track. No exercise schedule yet, just GET UP AND MOVE. I've gained a few pounds but I'm working on changing that in the other direction.

So here's to my journey - ALL OVER AGAIN!




  1. I'm right there with you! I have to just "do it" I know. And I also know that once I go back to the gym I will be happy but I too find it hard to get back into the swing of it. Good to know I'm not alone!!

  2. Exactly! Every day for weeks I would say to myself, I'm going to start again. I'm going to start again and just put too much thought into what I would do and at what times. The best thing I can say is just get over the hurdle of doing it and JUST DO IT!
    I did Zumba today and slough I'm out of breath a little, it felt great to move again.

  3. Good for you! I need to get back on track myself!

  4. I certainly need to do the same! Good for you, sounds like you are in the right state of mind to go in a positive direction.

  5. I am just back myself at running after years of not, and I'm doing well...3-4 times a week on week# 4! Here's to you getting back!

  6. I find myself in the EXACT same spot. And with winter knocking on the door its a frightful feeling. Must loose those extra pounds! Best of luck!

  7. I am very focused, so if a big project comes along I tend to neglect exercise, even for a few weeks at a time. I'm too busy with my project! I took a month off to start my new blog, and a couple weeks ago got back into my exercise routine. I had to go back to the beginner's routine in my weights book! Oh well... this morning, I'm going to push it to intermediate.

  8. You'll get back to it, Mommys Juice. I had to! It was getting out of hand.

    And @Lisa - If you make it a habit, like doing it before breakfast, same time everyday, it'll be easier to incorporate it into your lifestyle.

  9. I was about to get back on track, when I found out I was pregnant again. I am determined to be healthier at the end of this pregnancy than I was before though, so to the gym I go!

  10. That's great. And Comgrats, Joy!
